Pictures were digitized using a drum scanner and shot on the same film - Ilford Delta 400 developed in Ilford DDX for 8:00 min. at 20℃ (just swapped it after the 6th picture).
I used the Rolleinar 1 close-up lens and tripod, Rolleinar 1 gives more character to the bokeh by reduction of the mfd (minimum focusing distance) and allows to show it more expressed.
What I've learned here, first of all, there´s practically no difference in sharpness or contrast, unfortunately I didn't fix the LED which was illuminating the table from above and because of this the nature of the lighting changed insignificantly from picture to picture, but in general I noticed the difference only in the shape of the round bokeh in the blur zone. I have no doubt that if I repeated the test with my cameras again, the result would be the same.